Thank you.
The good we can do is only limited by the support we receive.
Our operating costs are at least $1,000 per month so donations are always appreciated.
There are bunnies waiting for help right now.
The good we can do is only limited by the support we receive.
Our operating costs are at least $1,000 per month so donations are always appreciated.
There are bunnies waiting for help right now.
Kribs for Kritters maintains an Amazon Wishlist of supplies we always need for buns while they are in our care.
If you wish to donate via Venmo, please look for @Jude-Ferguson in the app. All cash donations go directly to the care and upkeep of the bunnies in rescue. Jude and the Buns thank you for any and all help!
Donations may also be made via PayPal. Please use